
Friday, March 21, 2014

Teaching Writing Online

I'm not surprised to see that so many of my colleagues here at CCCC resist digital innovations, teaching with technology, and teaching online. Yet I'm frustrated. How are we going to shape 21st century learning if we resist e-learning? How are we going to be part of the broader conversations about teaching writing and higher ed if we ignore the rising numbers of students who need the flexibility and convenience of online learning? Our students need instructors who understand both their needs and their preferences. They need instructors who carefully examine principles and practices of online writing instruction and distance education. They need instructors who have done the research, who have an open mind about digital pedagogy, and who aren't sticking their heads in the sand. I'm not saying online writing is right for everyone, but I think that too many educators don't understand it and don't want to, and I think that's dangerous. We're doing our future students a severe disservice if we refuse to even look at what quality online writing instruction looks like. I don't want everyone to figure is out the hard way, on their own, when faced with external pressure to start teaching online. I want my colleagues to be prepared. And from what I can see, far too many of them aren't.

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