
Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Yesterday was ridiculously productive!

Scratch that: I was ridiculously productive.

  • Handled the incomplete. Waiting for a response.
  • Played with Canvas, which involved the course site I was building to be deleted. That's okay. What's more important is that I have three separate course sites for each section and that my TAs have been added to the courses.
  • Worked out. Core synergistics. I'm so not in the shape I will be soon. 
  • Scheduled Team Lyra meeting
  • Wrote evaluations for all eight Fall12TeamLyra TAs. That took forever, but it's done, and they were fairly easy to write. There were notes to myself along the way regarding how to be a better manager. I try. I really do. But I can always improve.
Also continued tearing through Linda Nilson's Teaching at its Best. Learning outcomes. I need to better clarify my learning outcomes...and make a graphic representation of them. I like visuals. This will be cool. She's the queen of graphics; I also have her The Graphic Syllabus and Outcomes book. Maybe I should look in there for more on outcomes maps today.

Also Today:

  • Write scripts. Like right now.
  • Keep tooling away on Canvas and with syllabus/ outcomes. And maybe schedule, but that's drafty at best right now. Oh, I had an idea about the Summary...maybe the sample this semester can be the classwork from last semester, and the current students can summarize 35-56? But I really like using Gabriel...also, if we do use Gabriel, have the discussion be on a Wednesday so that the SHC rep can come in on that day.
  • ^ Shoddy sentence structure.
  • I have a bunch of other random things on my list. Cleaning the house should be on there, too. But right now, I just want to work. Peace out.

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